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State of the AV Education Market

No other segment of the AV market was affected by COVID-19 more than education. One could argue that corporate AV took the greatest hit from the pandemic, but AV in education was thrust into survival mode over the past five months. First, being forced to adopt UCC technology to deliver content meant for in-person instruction and then, in a rush to make the universities and colleges ready for Hybrid learning. There is NO BETTER TIME to be in AV serving the educational market than now! Why? Our technology is what is not only desired for bringing classroom instruction online, but it's required. And, it's obvious that stimulus 2.0 will pour a lot of money into helping both K-12 and colleges up their tech game. This all-new webinar from rAVe's Gary Kayye will fill you in on what is going on with higher-ed and K-12 right now and what you need to be aware of - both technologically and product-wise. This webinar is approved for 1.0 CTS, CTS-I and CTS-D RUs and sponsored by Epson. This all-new webinar from rAVe's Gary Kayye will fill you in on what is going on with higher-ed and K-12 right now and what you need to be aware of - both technologically and product-wise. This webinar is approved for 1.0 CTS, CTS-I and CTS-D RUs and sponsored by Epson.

September 14, 2020
12:00 PM MT/ 2:00 ET