5 Reasons Why AV Events are Essential to Growing Your Business

Written by: Rob Voorhees, Business Development Manager, Exertis Almo Pro A/V

I will be the first to admit that I have a very “special” love/hate relationship with traveling of any kind. If you were to ask my wife, she would tell you that the hardest part of making plans to travel, anywhere (near or far) is getting me to first, go along with the idea. However, if you are lucky enough to get me out the front door, I normally will have a great time wherever I am!  I am 110% a “home body”.  I love being around my kids and familiar surroundings and try to keep a low profile as much as possible.  It does not mean I HATE doing things, it just means that you have to try a little harder to convince me to stop doing what I generally love doing. 

Given this, you might be surprised to learn that I LOVE industry events, which are related to my line of work!  I will state the obvious- work travel events can be long, drawn-out weeks where the days blend into nights and are only extended further by the dreaded airline issues that plague most of us.  However, putting all of this to the side, when you are right in the thick of one of these events and doing what you love, there is nothing quite like it.  After having experienced 4 events in the span of 6 weeks back in Sept/Oct, I felt compelled to highlight the 5 main reasons why these events are so essential and the benefits that I see from each.

Reason #1- THE PEOPLE. This was possibly the most obvious.  When you work with people you generally care for and have strong relationships with, you will be eager to spend more time with them.  I want to tell you all about Cheryl Walton, Director of Business Development for EDGE. Cheryl and I had only met face to face more recently but shared a common bond as we both come from the great state of NJ and had common connections. (Shout-out to Mr. Patrick Whipkey!) While attending the 2022 CI Total Tech Summit in Orlando, I ran into Cheryl at the Exertis Almo/Samsung sponsored corn hole tournament on the first night.  It was as if I had run into a family member!  The smile, hug, and ensuing conversation we had to catch up was a great way for me to begin my time there and something I will always look forward to when crossing paths with Cheryl again!

Reason #2- THE PLACES.  This one might also be obvious, but I think we will all agree that working in the AV industry affords us the opportunity to visit some cool places.  Having visited Las Vegas a good dozen times at this point, it is NOT on my list of favorite destinations.  However, even after my recent visit in September for JBL Fest from Harman Professional Solutions I find myself experiencing new things and coming home with new stories and memories that I would not otherwise have had. (Such as a concert outside my hotel room window and seeing Nelly in the airport the next morning!)  I find it impossible to NOT enjoy myself when you are somewhere new and surrounded by these types of experiences.

Reason #3- THE EDUCATION.  How many people just looked away when I said EDUCATION?  Hear me out on this!  I am not hear to talk about book learning and how studying Ohm’s Law will help grow your business.  What I am here to say is that I have this burning desire to constantly be learning.  This desire follows me each day, even when I am with my kids or doing a household chore.  Having come into the Pro AV industry at the age of 35, it took me nearly half a year before I even understood what Pro AV even meant!  I was greener than green and probably asked many ridiculous questions along the way.  Fast forward, nearly 6 years and I still ask some ridiculous questions, but it is all part of my need to learn.  When you attend any given AV event, you are almost immediately surrounded by learning opportunities.  Being employed by Exertis Almo magnifies that, all thanks to our award-winning E4 Experience.  The E4 events are held 4 times per year in the spring and fall seasons and they offer a perfect blend of Reasons 1-3 above.  With that being said, 1 of the 4 E’s is EDUCATE! (Explore, Engage, Educate, Expo).  I cannot attend any E4 without bringing something back with me.  While attending our most recent E4 in Boston, MA, I attended a panel discussion on “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” and listened to the panelists speak on Neurodiversity specifically.  This topic is so special to me that I came home from Boston and have been working (and writing) about Neurodiversity and finding new ways to get involved.  This probably would not have happened had that panel discussion not occurred or if I was not in Boston that day.  The expo portion of E4 (or any other industry event for that matter) is another great way to further your education.  Similar to the Total Tech Summit, you are surrounded by manufacturers who are there to educate you on their products and services and help you find your “a-ha” moment. Sure, they all want to sell you something, but I find its more in an indirect manner and not so much shoving an order form into your face the second to walk up to their booth. The key will always be your desire to learn and if you possess that desire, the AV industry offers some of the best events I have ever attended!

Reason #4- THE NETWORKING.   This could easily be a piece of THE PEOPLE, but I view the two different enough that it warrants its own description.  When I talk about people, it is purely referring to my enjoyment of catching up with colleagues, new and old, and just enjoying each other’s company.  When I speak on NETWORKING, I am directly talking about the topics of discussion and the connections we make that can benefit everyone down the road.  When I joined Almo in 2017 and was brand new to Pro AV, I will be the first to say that my “network” was laughable at best. It is only my fault though!  I simply had not networked much throughout my career and was so focused on sales that I would ignore those who did not buy.  Rookie Mistake!  Looking at where I am at now and my network has never been better.  I get enjoyment out of meeting new people from the same walks as me who can share tips and stories that will probably resonate with my own tips and stories.  Someday, we might do business, but more often than not, we just want to stay connected and offer support in some way, shape, or form.  The networking opportunities at AV events is second to none. Thinking back to my 4 most recent events that I have spoken about previously, I have stories/memories from each about how I connected with old contacts and also met new ones.  Without naming any names, 1 of those contacts from September has already led to new opportunities for me both short term and long term!  I am here to tell you that not all networking needs to be done at 1am while at a bar on the Vegas strip.  You just need to be open to conversation, share a smile and a handshake and be willing to support the other person however you can.

Reason #5- THE PASSION.  I love attending AV events because quite frankly, I LOVE WHAT I DO!  While the trips can sometime be long and the work can be tiresome at times, I love it all.  When I return to my hotel room each night I will always text or call my wife and kids and explain what I did that day and although I cannot wait to get home to them, they are normally thrilled to hear when something went well and I enjoyed myself. (Except for when I brag to my wife about the fancy restaurants I occasionally get to eat at- she hates that part!)  We attend these events because of our passion for our work and our desire to improve.  If you step off that airplane with a love for AV and all that comes with it, you will be guaranteed to enjoy the trip more than if you are miserable to be there.

Whether direct or indirect, I can truthfully state that the events I am fortunate enough to attend have impacted my brand/business in some way.  The person you greeted, booth you walked up to, class you sat in on, or networking event you attended could all lead to something down the line.  The key to remember is that you miss 100% of that by not attending in the first place.  After going through the past couple of years that we have gone through together, NOW is the time to get back out there and experience all that the AV Industry has in store for us! 

In keeping with the spirit of Reason #4, I would love nothing more than to connect further with each of you.  Please add me to your contacts, Rob Voorhees 215-251-7685, rvoorhees@almo.com and/or connect with me on Linkedin today!