Sony: A Personable and Innovative Pro AV Partner


By: Rich Ventura, Vice President Professional Display Solutions, Sony Electronics Inc.

In 2023, Sony Professional Display Solutions will be further reinforcing our core priorities; products, partners, presentations, and people – or as we like to refer to them, the Four Ps. Learn how and why these principles are driving our business forward and how you can make the most of your interactions with Sony.

1)      Products:

Of course, no business would be sustainable if it weren’t for their products, solutions and services – what they offer to the industry. At Sony, our portfolio of professional display solutions is among the most advanced and highest-quality and continues to grow to meet the evolving needs of our end-users, while addressing their largest technology challenges. We provide projectors, displays, cameras, microphones and AI-enabled technologies to the pro AV market and pride ourselves on their purpose-built development, often sourced directly from customer input. But it’s not only the products and technology that have made Sony a market leader synonymous with excellence and innovation, it’s the support, partnership and customer-focus that a brand like Sony offers its users that makes us truly stand out.

2)      Partners:

Partnerships are an integral part of our business, and you’ll see Sony expanding even more in this space in 2023. We recently designated ten charter members of our Professional AV Alliance Partner Network, which enables us not only to better serve our customers but to create more inclusive, user-friendly and compatible solutions for Sony. We also joined forces with signageOS, a leader in cloud digital signage infrastructure, who will provide streamlined integration to support our professional BRAVIA displays and create a more connected digital signage and CMS framework for Sony and our partners across the globe. The alliance will nearly double the compatibility of our professional displays to offer support for close to 60 integrated CMS options. We’re thrilled that we’ve been able to showcase these strategic hardware and software partners, and have their support too, during recent and upcoming shows and events. We will be doing even more to highlight our collective strengths this year, as we plan to expand Sony’s presence in key vertical markets. In 2023, Sony will be jointly elevating our business, as well as those of our partners, by creating even more integrated solutions for our customers.

Another resource to take advantage of, which positions Sony as a partner to the industry, is our Architects, Consultants and Engineers (ACE) Portal. It provides critical resources and materials related to Sony’s professional display solutions, including product technical information and configuration tools for consultants to create application simulations for their end users, as well as case studies, white papers, knowledge, webinars and more. This portal is a great tool for educating and connecting architects, consultants, or A/V design engineers with the necessary tools to maximize their time and productivity before, during and after a project comes together. 

3)      Presentations:

Another area Sony has strengthened our focus on is presentations, thought leadership, and driving our voice within the industry through in-person, virtual, digital and social platforms. We sought new avenues to communicate with our customers as ways of working shifted and found panels to be an informative way to educate and motivate users. Over the last few years, we’ve adopted presentations as a primary way to connect with the community and drive interactive conversations surrounding not only our products and solutions but trending topics permeating the industry. We launched a regular technology-focused webinar series called Tech Tuesdays as well as a bi-monthly online panel discussion with influencers – RVonAV with Rich Ventura. We have also hosted expos and events to give local users a chance to connect with Sony, have hands-on time with our products and get to know our outstanding people.  Additionally, we’ve launched a LinkedIn page dedicated to Sony’s Professional Display Solutions, to engage with our community everywhere they are. It’s an area we’re passionate about and have seen a great response to, which is why we’re thrilled to continue this engagement into 2023.

4)      People:

Finally, our last core priority is people. People are the backbone of our organization and our public face to the community. They close deals, educate our community, support our customers, and ensure users remain loyal to Sony, while also helping create new relationships. For this reason, Sony has taken extra care to prioritize employees’ health and well-being through programs that provide flexible working arrangements and accommodating work/life balance initiatives that foster equilibrium, such as “unlimited” vacation, early Friday dismissals year-round, one Friday off each month and a company-wide break over the summer and during the holidays. We also recognize that to not only retain but grow our employees, we must empower them, which is why Sony offers numerous opportunities for training, education, collaboration and upskilling. For our company, it’s a win that we have very highly skilled, well-rounded and happy employees and for our employees, it’s an opportunity for career growth and self-improvement, while allowing ample time for rest, relaxation and pursuing their personal passions and interests.

If you’d like to connect or engage with Sony Professional Display Solutions, please visit the following resources: