
From CEPro: "Why You Need to Support the Next Generation of Leadership Now More Than Ever"

Why You Need to Support the Next Generation of Leadership Now More Than Ever

By: USAV Group

Next-generation leadership may be more important now than it has been in the past 30 years. With an entire shift in office culture that will stay after the pandemic, learning how to support this hybrid workplace structure will be integral in moving businesses forward. Many have struggled to maintain culture through a computer screen in place of face-to-face conversations and check-ins, requiring everyone to re-learn how to engage not only clients, but employees as well.

USAV has curated nine sessions at TEC 2021 targeting emerging leaders and key personnel. These sessions will equip leadership personnel from C-Suite to up-and-coming managers and supervisors with the knowledge to positively influence your company. The first 24 to register with code “NexGen” will receive a free gift. Check out the NexGen sessions powered by USAV!