USAV Weekly Highlights: October 8th, 2021

Here is your recap of what USAV did this week:

  • USAV Bandwidth Released

  • October Newsletter Released

  • Draper Webinar

Raising The Tide

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During COVID the AV industry had to adapt to the new circumstances of the market to stay afloat. Today we can say that far from only surviving, the industry has begun to reinvent itself and innovation is coming back stronger. In this episode, we talk to Cheryl Walton, the new Director of Business Development at USAV Group. Cheryl shares with us a little bit about her career, the new trends of the industry, and we discuss how USAV will be rising the tide for all its integrators in the next five years. Join in and learn how this new team will be leading the AV industry into a new era of technological development.

October Partner Newsletter Released

Check out what's new with your USAV Partners this month!

In this webinar Draper discussed:

  • The Foundation mounting solution can support you as well as your dvLED video walls.

  • Key benefits of the product and partnership, with real-world examples.

  • Case studies that will include complex projects requiring tailored designs and advanced project management.


In this webinar from Navigate, attendees will learn:

  • A company’s culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs.

    • Governs how people behave inside and outside of that organization.

  • Every organization develops and maintains a unique culture.

  • Healthy cultures are not accidental.

  • Unhealthy cultures are often the result of misalignment between words and actions.

  • Company culture is not just a management function.