The Working (in a pandemic) Mother

By: Katie Blough, Project Manager, PSA

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I am a mother to two boys, 10 and five, a dog mom to two German Shepherds, a wife, a project manager/business analyst, a neighbor and a friend.  Prior to the pandemic, I was able to keep these titles fairly separate.  All had their own separate boxes and time allotted to them with only the occasional crossover..  Then, slowly yet all at once, my roles all combined together and the exhaustion of trying to be everything all at once and with 100% effort overtook me.  It didn’t help that there was nowhere for me to go to retreat either outside of the house (because of COVID) or inside (because they always found me).

I learned a few things very quickly: 1) I hate third and fourth grade math and how kids now have to learn several different ways to solve one problem. 2) Preschooler activities take about an hour to set up and 10 seconds for them to be completed. 3) It may actually be more exhausting to work from home when your family is there than it is to commute and be at the office.

After learning those three basic things, I moved into the “I can’t do it” mode.  The “I can’t do it” mode is when I figured out that I can’t be 100% at everything so I just stopped doing a lot of things.  I stopped cleaning the house, I stopped cooking dinner and I stopped moving from the same two spots I was at everyday (bed, desk, repeat), which my Apple watch so lovingly reminded me of at the top of every hour.  The self-loathing that happened during this period was intense, but after a Zoom call with some friends I hadn’t been able to physically see for a few months, I realized I wasn’t alone. It wasn’t just working moms that were feeling this, it was stay at home moms, part-time working moms and even dads.  We all were all learning how to exist in the new normal.

From my call with friends, I learned it’s okay to not be 100% at everything you do, which is always as common misconception for working mothers at any time, not just in a pandemic. I also learned more about meal and alcohol delivery.  So, one meal delivery membership and weekly adult beverage order later, I’ve found my sweet spot, or the sweetest as it’s going to get right now spot.  I have learned that if the house isn’t spotless at the end of every day, it’s okay.  If I haven’t made a homecooked meal that didn’t consist of boxed macaroni and cheese or pizza for the past five days, that’s okay too.  I’ve to come to terms with having a few days where the most I do is work, strongly remind my kids to get on their Zoom calls and press a few buttons to get DoorDash. There are other days where we focus on talking to each other. I realized how much more we did talk to each other before we were around each other all the time.  I’ve checked in on neighbors and gotten to know them more than ever before.  No, I don’t do this all at once, sometimes I don’t talk to my neighbors for days on end or I won’t answer text messages right away and other days I’m on top of those two things while cleaning the house is on the backburner.   I’ve learned to give myself a lot of grace and other people too – because (and I’m trying to not be cliché, but it’s the honest truth) we’re all in this together, whether we like it or not.

USAV Weekly Highlights: April 30, 2021

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Here is your recap of what USAV did this week:


The April USAV Integrator Townhall was hosted with ALMO Professional AV. Sam Taylor from Almo started the conversation with an update on the supply chain status. Watch our blog for a final recap and link to the recording.

The first 50 USAV Members to register for TEC using code “USAV21” get to attend for FREE!*

Check back each Friday for a quick look at that week’s highlights.

*Attendees who use the code “USAV21” at checkout and are not USAV members will be invoiced for the full registration amount.

USAV Weekly Highlights: April 23, 2021

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Here is your recap of what USAV did this week:


Brittany Board at USAV provided a guest blog to CE Pro "3 Tips to Up Your Videoconferencing Game" .

The USAV Operations Special Interest Group (SIG) held their monthly meeting. Interested in joining a SIG?

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The April 2021 USAV Partner Showcase was published.

The first 50 USAV Members to register for TEC using code “USAV21” get to attend for FREE!*

Check back each Friday for a quick look at that week’s highlights.

*Attendees who use the code “USAV21” at checkout and are not USAV members will be invoiced for the full registration amount.

From CEPro: "3 Tips to Up Your Videoconferencing Game"


Small business owners looking to make a better impression during a videoconference should pay attention to fine details like having good lighting and choosing the right display name.

By: Brittany Board

By this time, we have all been on at least one virtual meeting. For many of us, we count ourselves lucky to only be on one virtual meeting a day, and we are now in an environment that caters to the use of webcams and computers.

While the technology is advancing and the systems are smoothing out, there is still plenty you can do to improve these remote gatherings, business or personal, to improve your attendees’ videoconferencing experience.


A meeting can be held without video (although it’s not suggested) but a meeting NEEDS good audio. Everyone needs to be heard.

We aren’t all so lucky to have been able to get our hands on a professional microphone before virtual meetings became a trend, and some of us are still waiting for the backorders to be filled. If you are stuck with the computer microphone and speakers, or at least you think you are, a simple piece of equipment can drastically change the audio of your meeting. A pair of headphones with a built-in microphone will help eliminate background noise and increase the clarity and volume of your voice. 


Be mindful of your surroundings, lighting is key and if you are not in a well-lit room your image will be very dark and hard to see. Windows are another source of good natural light but please don’t sit in front of a window. This causes the iris of the camera to close and creates a dark image.

When speaking, look at the camera and not the computer screen. It will create a more natural meeting for those on the far end.

Most mainstream platforms for virtual meetings all have built-in options to change what is behind you. From blurring the background to putting you in a completely different room, have fun and be creative but don’t be obnoxious. 

Give your fellow meeting attendees something different to see. If you can’t change the room you are in, then a simple web search for “virtual meeting backgrounds” will produce a variety of options. Just remember to turn off the cat filter before your next meeting. 


Pay attention to your display name. During internal meetings, everyone knows who you are, so your display name isn’t top of mind. When you are meeting with industry partners, potential clients, or anyone else outside of your company, it is best to change your display name to your first and last name followed by your company name. This will help others remember who you are and where you work, helping avoid that awkward question of “where are you from?”

Everyone is limited on time. The notion that working from home and having extra time has been proven to be false. Many people feel like they have more time yet more work. Virtual meetings take up a lot of time so being prepared for every meeting will help make the most out of everyone’s time. Going into every meeting, know what you can offer and what you need help with. Stay on track and try to move the personal conversations to the end of the meeting. 

Virtual meetings are here to stay and using these three tips will create a much better experience for you and your meeting attendees. In the end, a successful meeting will equate to a more productive and pleasant working environment. 

USAV Weekly Highlights: April 15, 2021

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Here is your recap of what USAV did this week:

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NETe2 Asia Pte Ltd was added to the IPP expanding USAV integrator coverage to Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Thailand, Myanmar.

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The USAV Fourteeners Trip was renamed to the USAV Elite Retreat.

Look for more information next week!

The first 50 USAV Members to register for TEC using code “USAV21” get to attend for FREE!*

Check back each Friday for a quick look at that week’s highlights.

*Attendees who use the code “USAV21” at checkout and are not USAV members will be invoiced for the full registration amount.

USAV Weekly Highlights: April 9 , 2021

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Here is your recap of what USAV did this week:

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The April USAV Bandwidth episode, “Return-To-Work Technologies” was released featuring Jay Kowalsky (USAV Dealer Advisory Council Chair, Red Thread).

Modtech Solutions, LLC and Spyeglass, LLC were added to the USAV Buying Group effective April 1, 2021.

2020 Q4 VIR Statements are available!

USAV Integrators can log into their member page to view their statement.

Commercial Integrator shared our NexGen Leadership article.

The April USAV Partner Newsletter was published.

The first 50 USAV Members to register for TEC using code “USAV21” get to attend for FREE!*

Check back each Friday for a quick look at that week’s highlights.

*Attendees who use the code “USAV21” at checkout and are not USAV members will be invoiced for the full registration amount.

USAV Weekly Highlights: March 26, 2021

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Here is your recap of what USAV did this week:

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From “What is your because?” to performing in high pressure situations, USAV took their members on an incredible two-day journey with the integrator members and strategic vendor partners in the annual Spring Partners Meeting. In the age of virtual meetings being the norm USAV group set out on a mission to change the game for its Spring Partners Meeting.


Chris Salazar-Mangrum wrote a great article published by CE Pro “Integrators Would Be Wise to Remember the Two Wolves Parable”

The March 2021 USAV Partner Showcase was published.

The first 50 USAV Members to register for TEC using code “USAV21” get to attend for FREE!*

Check back each Friday for a quick look at that week’s highlights.

*Attendees who use the code “USAV21” at checkout and are not USAV members will be invoiced for the full registration amount.

Spring Partners Meeting 2021 Recap: “From Surviving to Thriving”

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From “What is your because?” to performing in high-pressure situations, USAV took their members on an incredible two-day journey with the integrator members and strategic vendor partners in the annual Spring Partners Meeting. In the age of virtual meetings being the norm, USAV group set out on a mission to change the game for the Spring Partners Meeting. Planning began in December with the dealer advisory council (DAC) and with Brent Lowe who is the “Scale Coach for Founder CEOs”, esteemed author, and master facilitator. The option of regional hub-hosts was offered for small groups to gather in different regions of the country all linked through a virtual platform enhancing the hybrid feel of in-person interaction and online. The hub hosts, LINX Multimedia in Downtown Denver and Almo Professional AV in Long Island, NY led the pack with successful and safe execution of hosting. The Denver hub was set up with a full production team and the result was awesome.

Day 1 started on Tuesday, March 23rd with an opening keynote from Gerry O’Brion. Gerry is a keynote speaker, branding strategist, and franchise expert. His branding and marketing mastery walked the audience through his framework of “what is your because” to allow customers to pick your business from a crowded market. Gerry then spent time with the audience through a hands-on workshop to help companies identify their ideal customer, what are the customer’s insights and outcomes, to land on what is your because? We ended the day with some partner roundtable discussions and small breakouts to discuss how everyone can pivot from surviving to thriving.

Day 2 started on Wednesday, March 24th with a business review meeting and dealer advisory council  (DAC) voting for USAV integrator members. Transitions within the DAC include:

  • Travis Deatherage of Linx Multimedia and exiting DAC chair is now replaced by Jay Kowalsky of Red Thread. Travis will stay on in a past-DAC chair role to help with the transition

  • Debbie Williamson of Tempest Technologies was voted into a DAC seat

  • Dennis Schliske of VICOM was voted into a DAC seat

We then moved into virtual breakouts with our vendor partners and discussed how to transition our businesses from surviving to thriving in 2021. The energy in the room was fantastic and most people are confident in the pent-up demand and are hopeful for a big Q3 and Q4.

We wrapped up the 2-day session with a powerful closing keynote speaker, John “Gucci” Foley. John is a former lead solo pilot for the Blue Angels. His message of “Glad to be here” was powerful and simple, and a strong ethos to live by. He talked about how to work in high-pressure situations all while keeping a cool head. From G forces to 18” distance to the next plane his pictures and videos were truly jaw-dropping. John pointed out how important the debrief was after a flight. In this meeting, you point out everything that went well and the things that need improvement. Through this process, the team grows and builds everlasting trust.

In the closing, John mentioned three simple words that sum up the USAV model. “Give, Learn, Grow.” Here at USAV, we talk about this a lot but these three words really summed it up nicely.

The more you give to USAV, the more you learn, and the more you learn the more you grow as an individual and as a company.

We thank you for attending the two-day session and hope that you are bringing back the tools you learned to your organizations. Keep an eye out for some upcoming events on our website. Glad to be here!

USAV Weekly Highlights: March 19, 2021

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Titled by authorities as #WinterStormXylia, Denver, Colorado, the headquarters for PSA and USAV, experienced one of the largest snowstorms in history over the weekend. Many places saw a minimum of two feet of snow in addition to massive drifts that piled up against doors and walkways. Our team, however, was not hindered by the much-needed moisture and found ways to enjoy what Mother Nature brought us. Here are our #WinterStormXylia stories:

In the Eye of the Storm

Food Makes Any Storm Bearable!

Furry Family Members

The Day After

It Didn’t Snow Everywhere
(Our Remote Employees)

Check back each Friday for a quick look at that week’s highlights.

USAV Weekly Highlights: March 12, 2021

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Here is your recap of what USAV did this week:

ConsorcioTec | USAV Group Industry Partner

Chris and Patrick participated in ConsortioTec’s first collaboration event as panelists.

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PSA and USAV staff enjoyed a festive monthly townhall which included a cooking demo of corned beef, sharing stories and music (thanks to our own Duke of Music).

The first 50 USAV Members to register for TEC using code “USAV21” get to attend for FREE!

Check back each Friday for a quick look at that week’s highlights.

USAV Weekly Highlights: March 5, 2021

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Here is your recap of what USAV did this week:

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USAV Bandwidth March episode was released with guest Tim Albright from AVNation.

“Diversification of Disciplines”

USAV Marketing Manager, Brittany Board, celebrated her birthday by being a guest on AV Nation. Check out the episode “We’re Legit”.

The first 50 USAV Members to register for TEC using code “USAV21” get to attend for FREE!

Check back each Friday for a quick look at that week’s highlights.

From CEPro: "Why You Need to Support the Next Generation of Leadership Now More Than Ever"

Why You Need to Support the Next Generation of Leadership Now More Than Ever

By: USAV Group

Next-generation leadership may be more important now than it has been in the past 30 years. With an entire shift in office culture that will stay after the pandemic, learning how to support this hybrid workplace structure will be integral in moving businesses forward. Many have struggled to maintain culture through a computer screen in place of face-to-face conversations and check-ins, requiring everyone to re-learn how to engage not only clients, but employees as well.

USAV has curated nine sessions at TEC 2021 targeting emerging leaders and key personnel. These sessions will equip leadership personnel from C-Suite to up-and-coming managers and supervisors with the knowledge to positively influence your company. The first 24 to register with code “NexGen” will receive a free gift. Check out the NexGen sessions powered by USAV!

USAV Weekly Highlights: February 26, 2021

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Here is your recap of what USAV did this week:

Congratulations to the NSCA's 2021 Excellence in Product Innovation Award winners announced on Feb. 25 at NSCA’s 23rd annual Business & Leadership Conference. Take a look at the USAV Partners who were named:

Ease of Customization: Shure Incorporated’s Shure Audio Ecosystem

Recurring Revenue Potential: Liberty AV Solutions’ CXDetect

Retrofit/Installer-Friendly: Da-Lite’s Tensioned Designer Contour® Electrol® with Agility™ Battery Motor

Technology Platform: AtlasIED’s Atmosphere

Trail-Blazing Innovation: SurgeX’s Squid

Overall Grand Prize Winner: Visionary Solutions, Inc.’s PacketAV™ Duet Wallplate Encoder w/ Bluetooth®

We hosted a USAV/PSA Partner Webinar with AtlasIED: Singlewire Mass Notification Software Introduction

The February Partner Showcase was published.

Check back each Friday for a quick look at that week’s highlights.

USAV Weekly Highlights: February 19, 2021

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Here is your recap of what USAV did this week:

Congratulations to the NSCA's 2021 Stepping Up Award winners! A special shout-out to for winning the Agility category and ClearTech for winning the Community Outreach category, as well as PSA Security Network Integrator Integrated Security Technologies Inc. for winning the Employee Engagement category. We have a very impressive partner network!

Guest Blog from Netgear
”NETGEAR Managed M4300 Vs. Cisco and Aruba - Tolly report”

USAV held our monthly Integrator Townhall presented by NSCA. Watch our blog for the recording.

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PSA TEC General Registration opened. Check out the NexGen Education powered by USAV!

Check back each Friday for a quick look at that week’s highlights.

USAV Weekly Highlights: February 5, 2021

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Here is your recap of what USAV did this week:

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“Diversification of Disciplines Among Convergence” by USAV Group Posted by AVNation

8K Solutions Joined the Buying Group Members

We celebrated our project manager’s, Katie Blough, birthday!


PSA/USAV Townhall with New CEO Matt Barnette and Bill Bozeman
We will be releasing the recording next week.

PCD won the $100 Gift Card for completing the USAV PMP Performance Survey!

Check back each Friday for a quick look at that week’s highlights.

USAV Integrator Townhall 30/60/90 Look Ahead for 2021


This month, we were joined by our special guest, Matt Barnette, new CEO of PSA who was greeted by over 40 USAV integrators. Matt was quickly brought up to speed on how dynamic the USAV group is to collaborate and find solutions to current events impacting our businesses. This month’s format included a review of data collected by a few different resources, followed by breakout groups and share back. The focus was on Q1 & Q2 pipeline, travel policies, and return to work plans. Special thanks to Tim Brooks, Jay Kowalski, Travis Deatherage, Jim Sheer and Chris Salazar-Mangrum for leading the 40-minute breakout session.

After the breakouts, the breakout room leads shared their discussions. In Summary:

    • The expectations are the Q1 and Q2 will be soft with a boom in Q3 and Q4. Buckle up and make sure there is enough inventory!

    • The pandemic changed our industry for the long term and exit plans are now a permanent part of the business plan. Businesses must be prepared for home offices to become permanent and management’s acceptance that employees are capable of working from home creates a shift in culture and focus.

    • Connecting with customers/prospects has spawn creativity from video calls, webinars, and virtual events, but there is obvious video fatigue there. Some tips to help drive customer engagement:

      • Happy hours/appreciation get togethers (hosted trivia, virtual escape rooms)

      • Using the words “limited/customer/time is running out” vocab to entice more people to come

        • Videos of renovations posted on social media – tag clients so they’re forced to look at it

      • Actual check ins – not “talking shop”

      • More staying in touch and not trying to sell something

      • Asking/engaging how they’re doing as a company and what we can do to help them

    • “Hot” Solutions:

      • Temp sensors aren’t selling but have opened up conversations to multiple areas i.e. air purification

      • Room density monitors/calculators

      • Space analytics - Trace amount of people coming into the office space

      • Video walls – portable/permanent so they can evenly distribute people around campuses (houses of worship)

      • Municipalities are looking to upgrade AV (city halls/courts)

      • White papers to companies who need advice on how to return to work (starts conversations, monetizes their knowledge)

      • Phased approach (by groups/shifts)

      • Employee Safety and Air Quality are High priorities: air purifiers, daily cleaning, hand sanitizer stations, temperature check at the entrance, maintaining safe occupancy levels, touchless access (face recognition access control), QR codes, contact tracing.

    • Are you or your customers traveling?

      • Very little and dependent on corporate mandates and regional guidelines. There expects to be more travel during the springtime when vaccines are deployed at a higher rate.

USAV Weekly Highlights: January 29, 2021

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Here is your recap of what USAV did this week:

Daybreak podcast featuring Patrick Whipkey

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USAV Bandwidth Monthly Video Launch

Published January Partner Showcase

Integrator Townhall: 30/60/90 Look Ahead for 2021

TEC Hybrid Announcement

Check back each Friday for a quick look at that week’s highlights.

Welcome PSA/USAV CEO Matt Barnette

Welcome to 2021! Three words I’ve been waiting to say for the past nine months. In contrast to the challenges all our companies have overcome in 2020, I am encouraged by the opportunities this year provides with normalcy just ahead. During the past year, USAV has held numerous events including townhalls, Adapt and virtual mixers that provided us with timely strategies and information. While the first part of 2021 will continue to be difficult, USAV remains committed to supporting our members. Our core focus continues to concentrate on best practices to sustain and grow as our community returns to their workplaces.

I am very excited to welcome PSA/USAV’s new CEO, Matt Barnette. Matt was most recently Vice President of Physical Access Control Solutions in the North America Business Unit at HID after the acquisition of Mercury Security where he was hired as President in June 2016. Prior to that, Matt was President of AMAG Technology – a G4S Company – and spent 12 years working in various roles within the global organization.

Brent Berger USAV Dealer Advisory Council PSA Board of Directors

Brent Berger
USAV Dealer Advisory Council
PSA Board of Directors

During this hiring process, I’ve had the great pleasure of getting to know Matt and have had the opportunity to learn Matt’s reputation for work ethic, management experience and commitment to USAV. Earlier this week, Matt and I had a Zoom call where he expressed his desire to learn our industry and roll-up his sleeves to see how he could start having a positive impact on our members and providers. I couldn’t be more encouraged for 2021 with Matt taking the reins.

Bill Bozeman will be supporting Matt with this transition through the beginning of 2021. I have no doubt Matt will continue to find support from Chris, Patrick and each of you as we continue to shape this organization to best support our dealers and providers. This organization continues to grow and be more relevant.

I truly hope this finds you and your family healthy and safe. All who are currently affected by this virus and situation are in our thoughts and prayers. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

-Brent Berger

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From Dan Budinoff
PSA Chairman of the Board

"...I am personally impressed by his [Matt's] work ethic, thirst for knowledge and desire to keep PSA on solid footing for years to come...."

Read Dan's Message Here

2020 Year In Review

2020 was a year like none other.  USAV started off with a plan to expand internationally, to engage more with our integrators and our partners and have events scheduled for the first six months. We were ready to hit the ground running, with the first leg of strategic initiatives occurring in Amsterdam at ISE including a lot of meaningful meetings with potential international partners. We also continued to strengthen existing partnerships and depend on those connections. There was a whisper around the show floor about the Coronavirus and the few vendors that pulled out of ISE last minute, but the show still attracted over 52,000 people. While that was a decrease, it was still a big turnout for an international show with the world on the brink of a global pandemic. Two weeks later we headed to Dallas for our annual Spring Partner Meeting and NSCA’s BLC. Our meeting was the most attended in the history of USAV and it was a perfect blend of education, networking and fun events. Followed up by BLC, it proved to be an incredible week of networking and relationship building. Who would have guessed that would be the last time we traveled in 2020?

Author: Patrick Whipkey, Director of USAV

Author: Patrick Whipkey, Director of USAV

Welcome March and the world began to lock down and all sporting events canceled. Everyone moves to working remote, and disaster recovery workforce actions kick in. Schools are closed and the world is in a state of confusion and panic. There are more questions than answers at this point and small businesses begin to grow more concerned. During this time, USAV consulted with the dealer advisory council (DAC) and the decision was made to hold town hall meetings to help share information and keep the group strong. We started with weekly meetings since the information was changing so rapidly. Each week was new information from industry experts to help our partner network navigate the waters of HR, taxes, PPP loans and overall company morale. These weekly meetings proved invaluable for our integrators and our vendor partners. March turned into April and then to May and things started to pick up thanks to the PPP loan.

We began to see the commercial AV landscape change depending on the various regions of the country. The east and west coast were shut down while middle America and Florida resembled business as usual. Work carried on in these parts meanwhile major cities across the US continued to be locked down and the corporate world continued to support remote workforce with large technology companies reinforcing the decisions. Our integration partners saw growth in the education and government sectors as well as the residential market due to home offices being assembled. Some pivoted quicker than others and everyone focused on their business operations to reduce cost and maintain cash flow.

During the summertime, we saw the US begin to open up and outdoor dining became the hit thing. Staycations, backyard BBQ’s and restricted summer fun were all happening with social distancing practices in place. Masks were now mainstream and everyone was doing their part to stay safe. Testing became more routine and the understanding of the virus was widespread. We heard whispers of a vaccine but no date as to when everyone would receive it. Integrators were picking up with summer projects and things were looking better with the number of active cases dropping. Virtual meetings were now normal and people started to get creative with happy hours and bring their pets to work. The new normal was here and everyone was already sick of that phrase. Plenty of questions remained as to when everyone would go back to the office. What will office life look like? When will concerts and large group gatherings resume?

The leaves began to change, and Fall was upon us. Vaccine information was happening on a more frequent basis and the major pharmaceuticals began to forecast dates for distribution. This provided hope to everyone and we began to see an increase in travel and gatherings. Schools opened on a limited basis and things started to seem “normal.”  Integrators continued to wrap up projects summer projects that had pushed from early spring. This was the beginning to the end as the air got colder and the spikes in cases were on the rise. States began to lock down again and put restrictions on holiday gatherings. Typically, December is a very busy time for integrators as it is usually the end of the fiscal year and companies have money to spend. Companies scramble to complete as many projects as possible to boost the bottom line but it’s far from what it was a year ago. Integrators are now focusing on the first quarter of 2021 with the concern of a very quiet quarter with things still in lockdown and no return to office date.

2020 was by far the most challenging year for everyone since 2008. There were a lot of questions and unknowns. The goal for a lot of companies was to remain flat or only slightly down from the previous year. Some companies saw growth which they can attribute to having a diverse offering. From commercial to residential, IT to security. The more offerings they had the better chances their business survived. In 2021, we will have a vaccine that will be actively being administered. We are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We need to remain strong; we need to continue to stand together as a community and help each other. 2020 showed just how important our partner network is and how much we need to continue to grow together. There were a lot of positive things that came out of this year; we stood up an international partner program and we added 14 integrators and 15 vendors. Those are big numbers in any year let alone a global pandemic year. We also lost a few along the way but that is part of life and we must take the wins with the losses.  We are looking forward to a brighter 2021 and our hope remains that we will all be able to meet in person and celebrate the growth and evolution from surviving to thriving.